import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; const addUrlHash = ( hash ) => { window.location.hash = hash; }; const getTabHash = ( tabs ) => { let hash = window.location.hash; if ( 'string' !== typeof window.location.hash ) { return null; } hash = hash.substring( 1 ); if ( ! Object.keys( tabs ).includes( hash ) ) { return null; } return hash; }; const untrailingSlashIt = ( str ) => str.replace( /\/$/, '' ); const trailingSlashIt = ( str ) => untrailingSlashIt( str ) + '/'; const isTabbedEditor = false; const TAGS = [ __( 'Business', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), __( 'Ecommerce', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), __( 'Fashion', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), __( 'Blogging', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), __( 'Photography', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), ]; const CATEGORIES = { all: __( 'All Categories', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), free: __( 'Free', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), business: __( 'Business', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), portfolio: __( 'Portfolio', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), woocommerce: __( 'WooCommerce', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), blog: __( 'Blog', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), personal: __( 'Personal', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), other: __( 'Other', 'templates-patterns-collection' ), }; const EDITOR_MAP = { gutenberg: { icon: 'gutenberg.jpg', niceName: 'Gutenberg', }, elementor: { icon: 'elementor.jpg', niceName: 'Elementor', }, }; const EDITOR_MAP_ARCHIVED = { 'beaver builder': { icon: 'beaver.jpg', niceName: ( <> Beaver Builder ), }, brizy: { icon: 'brizy.jpg', niceName: 'Brizy', }, 'divi builder': { icon: 'divi.jpg', niceName: 'Divi', }, 'thrive architect': { icon: 'thrive.jpg', niceName: ( <> Thrive Architect ), }, }; export { addUrlHash, getTabHash, trailingSlashIt, untrailingSlashIt, isTabbedEditor, CATEGORIES, EDITOR_MAP, EDITOR_MAP_ARCHIVED, TAGS, }; Uncategorized | Pie Crust Mold
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